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Youth Football Safety

Safety Resources

Severe weather

When inclement weather is present, assume that practices and games are on unless you hear otherwise. If you plan on dropping your player off at practice, please stay in the nearby area in the event that events are cancelled. Read below for more information on the Naperville Park District’s lighting alert system.

Safety First

The Naperville Saints and the Bill George Youth Football League operate with player safety as the utmost priority.  Football is a contact sport so there is potential for injury, as with any sport. The Naperville Saints and BGYFL promote safer play with the following and more:

  1. Equipment requirements
  2. Coaching: Naperville Saints coaches complete Youth Certification from USA Football annually. Coaches also focus on teaching players how to take the head out of the game. Heads up and away from impact and more.
  3. Background checks on all coaches
  4.  Player conditioning
  5. League rules governing safer play (e.g. striper rules, no tinting on helmet visors)
  6. Proper-fitting, certified equipment

Hear a Naperville Saints mom with two players in the program give her perspective on safety. Click on the image and go to 2:17 into the video.

Parent Testimonials on Safety in the naperville saints program

The above materials are information only and not intended to be medical advice. Please consult with your medical professional.